Sunday, April 29, 2007

Busy Week!

These last two weeks have been very busy for all of us. Last week Riley and I went to the zoo for a school trip. We had a blast with Mrs Ray's class. We got separated from the group for a while. That's when we saw a ferret take a dive into the pond to get away from the geese. He never came up. Which leads to the question...Do ferret's swim? Still looking for an answer. My guess would be no after what I saw!
Next we had Dylan's Birthday Party/Sleepover. Marcus got to stay and sleep over that night. We had a Pirate Theme and it seem to go over rather well.
After that, we had our busy school week with soccer practices, PTO(PTA) meetings, Art Show/Book Sale at Riley's school, and then the OSC Auction. That was a VERY busy night and most of the week I had work to do to get ready for it. We did really well and made a huge amount for scholarships! Sat morning Nicole, Sheila and I counted all the money and had a lot of coffee. We ended up raising over $9000! Fantastic since we were only expecting to make $5000.
Yesterday we also had two more soccer games. It was Riley's last one and Dylan has one more. They both are improving so much! Riley actually tries to kick the ball now. Dylan is becoming very good. He has learned to pass it off and is getting better at dribbling. They love for him to play forward. He is one of the only kids on his team that actually follows thru with the ball. He would have scored at least twice if he would have had some back-up this week. A few kids were out. Too bad! Than he asked to play goaly and made a couple of good saves. His arms we even red from where the ball hit. Ouch!


Fletch said...
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Fletch said...

I finally figured out how to log into this again. Great pictures. Thanks for posting them. Those are some good looking kids. I can't wait to get home. I miss you guys.